HODIE: ante diem septimum Kalendas Iulias. You can add a Roman calendar as a widget in your blog or webpage, or display it as a Google Calendar: here's how.
Heri Hodie Cras Podcast: Today's audio podcast is Latin Via Proverbs: Group 119, which features this saying from Horace: Animum debes mutare, non caelum (English: You need to change your state of mind, not your location).
Vita Caesaris: You can see my IVLIVS CAESAR feed with a sentence from Plutarch's Life of Caesar each day in Greek, Latin and English. Today's Latin portion begins the story of what happened to the pirates after Caesar's release: Itaque pecunia praedae cessit, piratas Pergami in custodiam dedit, et ad praefectum Asiae Iunium abiit, quod illius, utpote praetoris, esset de captivis supplicium sumere.
Proverbiis Pipilo: You can see my Proverbia feed of Latin proverbs which I "tweet" while I am online each day (in English, too). Here's one from today about the rationale behind car alarms: Fures clamorem metuunt (English: Thieves fear a shout).
You can get access to all the proverb of the day scripts (also available as random proverb scripts) at the SchoolhouseWidgets.com website.
Audio Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's audio Latin proverb is Ego si bonam famam mihi servavero, sat ero dives (English: If I will keep my good reputation, I will be rich enough). To read a brief essay about this proverb and to listen to the audio, visit the Latin Via Proverbs blog.
Proverbium Perbreve of the Day: Today's two-word proverb is: Deo duce (English: With god as my guide... an English rendering that captures the alliteration of the Latin, too!).
Proverbium Breve of the Day: Today's three-word proverb is: Aureo piscatur hamo (English: He's fishing with a hook of gold... which is to say, he's probably fishing for a man, not a fish!).
Vulgate Verse of the Day: Today's verse is Considerate lilia agri, quomodo crescunt, non laborant nec nent (Matt. 6:28). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.
Latin Animal Proverb of the Day: Today's animal proverb is Homo ad laborem natus est et avis ad volatum (English: Man is born to labor, and a bird to fly).
Proper Name Proverb of the Day: Today's proper name proverb is Non formosus erat, sed erat facundus Ulixes (English: Odysseus was not elegant, but he was eloquent - which is my best try at capturing the alliteration of the Latin in this one!).
Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ἁ δὴ χεὶρ την χεῖρα νίζει (English: One hand does wash another). If you look at the Greek Proverb of the Day widget, you'll see it comes with a Latin translation, too.
Ictibus Felicibus: Based on the good response I've gotten to the use of accent marks at Tar Heel Reader, I'm collecting fables now with macrons AND accent marks in this blog. Today's fable with macrons and accent marks is Satyrus et Viator, the story of the satyr who rescued a man in the snow.
Aesopus Elegiacus: For my next book project, I'm collecting Aesop's fables told in the form of elegiac couplets, two per day so that I'll plenty piled up for next summer. Today's elegiac fables are Asinus in Pelle Leonis, the story of the donkey in the lion skin and how he was apprehended, and Corvus et Scorpion, the story of a bird who went from being predator to prey. There are also word lists included, courtesy of NoDictionaries.com!
Fable of the Day: Today's fable of the day from Barlow's Aesop is DE LEPORE ET TESTUDINE (the famous story of the tortoise and the hare). You can use the Javascript to include the fable of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - meanwhile, to find out more about today's fable, visit the Ning Resource Page for this fable, where you will find links to the text, commentary, and a discussion board for questions and comments.
Florilegium Fabularum: I'm working my way, slowly but surely, through the amazing collection of fables by Irenaeus published in 1666. Today's fable is Mulier Venefica, the story of a witch who claimed to offer protection to others but who could not protect herself.
Tar Heel Readers: Materials continue to accumulate at Tar Heel Reader (keep up with the latest items at the Libelli Latini blog). The materials I wanted to feature today are NOT Latin, but are instead some "spelling" lessons I will be using with my English composition students next year - very nice students but, by and large, very terrible spellers. I hope that the use of proverbs can make their spelling lessons more fun and worthwhile! Here is a link to the four books of Spelling Proverbs which I created today: