Saturday, September 28, 2013

Latin Proverbs and Fables Round-Up: September 28

Here is a round-up of today's proverbs and fables - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. If you have not downloaded a free PDF copy of Brevissima: 1001 Tiny Latin Poems, it's ready and waiting (my project from summer of 2012); this is the source for the Brevissima poster item below.

HODIE (Roman Calendar): ante diem quartum Kalendas Octobres.

MYTHS and LEGENDS: The art image for today's legend shows Athena and Poseidon; you can also see the legends for the current week listed together here.


TINY PROVERBS: Today's tiny proverb is: Fata trahunt (English: The Fates drag us).

3-WORD MOTTOES: Today's 3-word verb-less motto is Factis, non verbis (English: By means of deeds, not words).

ANIMAL PROVERBS: Today's animal proverb is Porcellum alens, porcum habebis (English: Raising a piglet, you'll have a pig).

POLYDORUS: Today's proverb from Polydorus is: Spiritus ubi vult spirat (English: The spirit blows where it will).

PROPER NAME PROVERBS: Today's proper name proverb from Erasmus is Spartam nactus es, hanc orna (English: You have Sparta as your inheritance; adorn her; from Adagia 2.5.1 - words spoken by Agamemnon to his brother Menelaus).

GREEK PROVERBS: Today's proverb is Γέρων πίθηκος οὐχ' ἁλίσκεται πάγῃ (English: The old ape is not caught in the snare).

BREVISSIMA: The distich poster for today is Nulla Puella. Click here for a full-sized view.

And here are today's proverbial LOLcats:


FABULAE FACILES: The fable from the Fabulae Faciles widget is Mercurius, Homo, et Formicae, which is one of my all-time favorite Aesop's fables (this fable has a vocabulary list).

MILLE FABULAE: The fable from the Mille Fabulae et Una widget is Vespertilio, Rubus, et Mergus, an aetiological nature fable.

Vespertilio, Mergus et Rubus

GreekLOLz - and Latin and English, too. Below is one of my GreekLOLz; for the individual Greek, Latin and English versions of the graphic, see the blog post: Ἀεὶ γεωργὸς εἰς νέωτα πλούσιος. Agricola semper in futurum dives est. The farmer is ever wealthy next year.

Myth and Folklore Books. I'm accumulating some book recommendations for the classes I teach and wanted to share them here. Today's book is Myths and Legends of China by E.T.C. Werner; you can see the table of contents here. This is a free Amazon Kindle eBook, and you don't need a Kindle to read it - you can read Kindle books on any computer or mobile device, or you can use the Amazon Cloud Reader in your browser.