Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ubi triticum non est, ibi non est farina (English: Where there is no wheat, there is no flour.). You can use the Javascript to include the Latin proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage, blog, or wiki. Meanwhile, to read a brief essay about this proverb, visit the website.
Vulgate Verses. The Vulgate Verses book is now available (from Lulu Publishers), and I'm commenting on various verses included in that book for their special qualities in Latin. Today's verse is from the apocryphal book of Sirach, and provides a stunning picture of wealth and poverty: Pascua sunt divitum pauperes. Verses: Here is some more audio for the Vulgate Verses book - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English notes and commentary on these verses also. Today's group includes the famous "My name is Legion" - Legio nomen mihi est quia multi sumus.
How-To Technology Tips. For those of you interested in great free tools for the online world, I've created a blog where I'm posting tips on the tools that I use. Today's post is about TinyURL - a very handy tool for converting superlong URLs into something short and sweet.
Verbosum: Latin and English Vocabulary-Building. As one of my new summer projects, I'm publishing some notes here about Latin word formation, along with some tips for English-vocabulary-building, too. Today's post is about the Latin prefix dis-, and the various forms it takes as it runs into other letters of the Latin alphabet.
Latin Via Fables: Today I've added two extremely similar Perry fable types, with Latin versions by Steinhowel, plus an illustration - Perry 79 and Perry 511, the story of the cat (or weasel) who tried to fool the mice. Here is the illustration for one version of the story, where the cat tries to disguise himself as a bag hanging from a hook!
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