Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina (English: Beneath the lamb's skin often lurks a wolf's mind.). You can use the Javascript to include the Latin proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage, blog, or wiki. Meanwhile, to read a brief essay about this proverb, visit the website. I'm working away on the online guide to Latin Via Proverbs, with grammar notes and English translations, working through the book group by group. Today I've posted notes for Group 174, a group of proverbs which includes this great saying about that luxury destination of the ancient world, Corinth: Non licet omnibus adire Corinthum.
Heri - Hodie - Cras. The post today at my new calendar blog is relevant to the world of Classics: June 3 is a festival day for the Roman goddess, Bellona - I've provided a list of online resources where you can read more about this important, but not so well known, Roman goddess.
How-To Technology Tips. For those of you interested in great free tools for publishing online, I've created a blog where I'm posting tips on the tools that I use. Today's post is about Yahoo Pipes - the absolute best way I've found to combine multiple RSS feeds into a single feed.
Grammatice. As one of my new summer projects, I'm publishing some notes here about grammar and linguistics that I hope will be useful for Latin students and teachers. Today's post is about Spoken Latin and Assimilation - yes, it is Borg grammar: "You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile!" :-)
Audio Pocasts. As a summer project, I'm going to start doing some podcasts, based on the contents of the BestLatin blogs. Today's podcast is from the Grammatice blog (you can subscribe to the podcasts now if you want, and I'll have more information about this as I get some more practice with the podcasting software). I figured out how to add some Borg sound effects at the end! Ha!
Latin Via Fables: I've added a Perry fable type, with a Latin version by Steinhowel plus an illustration, to the blog today. This time it is Perry 87, the story of the goose who laid the golden eggs. Here is the illustration:
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