Proverbs: Here is the audio for 10 more Latin proverbs from Latin Via Proverbs - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English translations and commentary on the proverbs, too. Today's group includes this great saying about the hedgehog who is reluctant to give birth (understandably!): Echinus partum differt. (Sadly, the poor creature only makes it worse for herself by putting things off, since the little hedgehogs just get spinier and spinier with time.)
Greek Via Fables: Here's the latest from the Greek fables of Syntipas. Today's fable is Ὄνος ἵππον μακαρίζων, The Donkey Praising The Horse, a familiar story about how a hard-working and unglamorous life is preferable to a life of glory and danger.
Latin Via Fables: I've added a Perry fable type, with a Latin version by Avianus plus an illustration, to the blog today. This time it is Perry 46, the story of the contest between the wind and the sun. Here is the illustration for today's fable:
NEW: Audio Pocasts. As a summer project, I'm going to start doing some podcasts, based on the contents of the BestLatin blogs. Today's podcast is from the Latin Via Fables blog (you can subscribe to the podcasts if you want, and I'll have more information about this as I get some more practice with the podcasting system).
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