Thursday, January 24, 2013


This is a sundial added in the year 2004 to the facade of the 13th-century chapel containing the relics of Saint Ferréol near Cérêt in the French Pyrenees. Its motto reads: ULTIMAM TIME, "Fear the final (hour)." This photo is by Bertrand Grondin (Wikimedia Commons):

Here is a detail showing the motto:

You can see the sundial in situ here (Wikimedia Commons):

The Ultimam Time motto is listed for several sundials in Gatty. Here are some other mottoes she cataloged which contain the word ultima:

Heu Miser Mortalis! Ultima Latet Hora
Hora est Ultima Multis
Horam Dum Petis, Ultimam Para
Sit Ultima Felix
Sufficit Una, Ultimam Time
Ultima Decidit
Ultima Forsan
Ultima Forte Tibi
Ultima Latet
Ultima Latet et Observantur Omnes
Ultima Latet Hora
Ultima Multis
Ultima Necat
Ultima Properat
Ultima Terret
Ultimam Cogita
Ultimam Nescis
Ultimam Pertimescas Horam