HODIE: ante diem quintum Idus Martias.
GOOGLE BOOKS: Today's Google Books are Apophthegmata Graeca and Theognis' Sententiae.
MYTHS & LEGENDS: The art image for today's legend shows The Head of Orpheus; you can also see the legends for the current week listed together here.

TODAY'S DISTICHS & EMBLEMS: All the distichs come with vocabulary lists! For a slideshow, see the bottom of this blog post. I've also got a new Distich Slideshow - you can visit the blog to see the show: Janus.
RHYMING DISTICHS: The two new Rhyming Distichs are Qui servit Christo, Qui servit Christo, mundo non vivit in isto; / Cum mala formidat, Christus bona multa sibi dat; and Vir, qui consilio, Vir, qui consilio non credit, iure vagatur, / Et qui consilio factum facit, ille probatur.
CATO'S DISTICHS: The two new Cato Distichs are Cum recte vivas, Cum recte vivas, ne cures verba malorum; / Arbitrii non est nostri, quid quisque loquatur; and Ne Discere Cessa, Instrue praeceptis animum, ne discere cessa; / Nam sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago (this one has a slideshow).
MARTIAL'S DISTICHS: The two new Martial Distichs are Septima iam, Phileros, Septima iam, Phileros, tibi conditur uxor in agro: / Plus nulli, Phileros, quam tibi, reddit ager; and Hesterno fetere mero, Hesterno fetere mero qui credit Acerram, / fallitur: in lucem semper Acerra bibit.
OWEN'S DISTICHS: The two new Owen epigrams, with Harvey's English versions, are Vae Soli, Principio coelum terramque hominemque creavit; / Cur nisi quod solus noluit esse Deus? and Pediculus, Tu morsu me laedis, egoque infero mortem; / Est tua culpa levis, non nego, poena gravis.
CAMERARIUS'S EMBLEMS: The two new emblems are Diversa Ab Aliis Virtute Valemus, Passer ut ova fovet flatu vegetante marinus: / Sic animat mentes gratia dia pias; and Fulget In Undis, Sic lux veri inter mendacia fusca refulget, / Piscis ut in media nocte lucerna micat.
ROLLENHAGEN'S EMBLEMS: The two new emblems are Constante Fiducia, Iudice freta Deo, superat fiducia constans / Omne malum, et Christo sub cruce laeta duce est; and Arte Et Marte, Sunt duo qui faciunt ut rex in honore sit: Ars Mars; / Gloria ab arte venit, gloria Marte venit. You can see both Mars and Athena in the accompanying emblem:

3-WORD MOTTOES: Today's 3-word motto is Utere sorte tua (English: Make use of your lot in life).
3-WORD PROVERBS: Today's 3-word proverb is Fructu arbor cognoscitur (English: The tree is known by its fruit).
RHYMING PROVERBS: Today's proverb with rhyme is: Si lupus est agnum, non est mirabile magnum (English: If a wolf eats a lamb, it's no great surprise).
VULGATE VERSES: Today's verse is Non est aliquid absconditum quod non manifestetur (Mark 4:22). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.
ELIZABETHAN PROVERBS: Here is today's proverb commentary, this time by Taverner: Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus: The slow oxe wishes for the sadle, and the gelding to eare the ground. No man is contented with his lotte, the courtier woulde dwell in the countrey, the dweller in the countrey woulde be a courtier, the bachiller wishes him self maried, and when he is maried, he would be unmaried.
ANECDOTE OF THE DAY: Today's anecdote is Remus Interfectus, the story of how Romulus killed his brother Remus.
FABULAE FACILES WIDGET: The fable from the Fabulae Faciles widget is Bos Fimum Evehens, a funny little story about an ox and its manure (this fable has a vocabulary list).
MILLE FABULAE: The "chunk" of Mille Fabulae et Una today is Fable 561, Gallus, Gallinae, et Vulpes, through Fable 570, Capones et Coquus, including Gallina Scalpens, a funny little fable about the goddess Venus and a chicken.
AESOP IN ENGLISH VERSE: Today's fable from the English verse widget is The Bird and the Arrow, the sad story of a bird who turned out to be his own worst enemy.
MILLE FABULAE WIDGET: The fable from the Mille Fabulae et Una widget is Aper et Vulpes, a great story about how the boar prepares himself for battle in a time of peace: Stabat olim aper iuxta arborem dentesque acuebat. Quem cum vulpes vidisset, “Quidnam dentes acuis,” inquit, “dum nulla necessitas adest, neque venator neque periculum imminet ullum?” Cui aper “Haud frustra id ago,” respondit, “nam si periculum aliquando contigerit, non tunc in acuendis dentibus tempus teram, sed utar promptis et bene paratis.”