HODIE: ante diem septimum decimum Kalendas Septembres.
ANECDOTE OF THE DAY: Today's anecdote is Canis Fidus, a famous folktale sometimes known by its Welsh title, "Beth Gellert" (see below).
VERBUM HODIERNUM: Today's NEW word is PUER - read a brief essay about the word at the Verbosum blog. Here's one of the sayings you can find in the essay: Puero gladium ne committas, "Don't entrust a sword to a boy."
VERBUM WIDGET: The word from the daily widget is NOMEN - which also has a brief essay at the Verbosum blog. Here's one of the sayings you can find in that essay: Mutato nomine, de te fabula narratur "With a change of name, the story is being told about you."
FABULAE FACILES: The new easy-to-read fable is Graculus et Columbae, the story of a jackdaw who wanted to dine with the doves.
FABULAE FACILES WIDGET: The fable from the daily widget is Leo et Tauri Duo, a story with the theme of "divide and conquer."
MILLE FABULAE ET UNA: The latest fables with images are Anser et Gressus Eius , the story of the goose who couldn't walk straight, and Gallina Ovis Incubans et Vulpes, the story of a fox who wasn't going to wait for supper.
MILLE FABULAE ET UNA WIDGET: The fable from the widget is Pastor, Vestis Eius, et Oves, the story of the sheep who ate their shepherd's clothes.
GOOGLE BOOKS: Today's Google Books are both quite amazing monumental productions: Sutor's Der hundert-Augige blinde Argos and Robertson's Dictionary of Latin Phrases.
TODAY'S MOTTOES & PROVERBS: Widgets available at Schoolhouse Widgets.
Tiny Mottoes: Today's tiny motto is: Caelestia sequor (English: I follow celestial things).
3-Word Proverbs Verb-less: Today's 3-word verb-less proverb is Amicus alter ipse (English: A friend is another self)
Audio Latin Proverb: Today's audio Latin proverb is Amici nec multi nec nulli (English: Friends: not many, not none). To read a brief essay about this proverb and to listen to the audio, visit the Latin Via Proverbs blog.
Maxims of Publilius Syrus: Today's proverb from Publilius Syrus is: Homo vitae commodatus, non donatus est (English: You are on loan to life, not donated).
Animal Proverb from Erasmus: Today's animal proverb from Erasmus is Annosa vulpes haud capitur laqueo (English: The old fox is not caught in the snare; from Adagia 1.10.17).
For an image today, here is the story of Beth Gellert, which happens to be one of my favorite folktales of all time: Canis Fidus. Rex olim in montibus venabatur. Dum autem abest, canem praesidio infanti filio relinquit. Mox domum redit. Infantem autem reperire non potest. Tum guttas sanguinis humi videt. Statim canem culpat. "Perfide custos," inquit, "voravisti filium meum." Sine mora canem gladio transfigit. Nec multo post infantis vocem audit. Filium suum, vivum et integrum, reperit. Haud procul lupi corpus videt, quem canis occiderat. Itaque canem magna cum cura sepelit. In sepulcro magnum lapidem ponit. Dominus postea per totam vitam fidum canem lugebat. (source)