Monday, March 1, 2010

Round-Up: March 1

Here is a round-up of today's blog posts - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email. Plus, you can find some Latin "pipilationes" at my Proverbia Latina feed.

HODIE: Kalendae Martiae, the Calends of March! You can add a Roman calendar as a widget in your blog or webpage, or display it as a Google Calendar: here's how.

TODAY'S FABLES: Here are today's fables from the Ictibus Felicibus project. These fables ALL have long marks, plus stress marks for easy reading, and the poems have meter marks, too, along with an easy-to-read prose presentation of the story:
I've picked out my favorite one, Lupus et Histrix , to share with you here in the blog:
Lupus ēsuriēns in histricem intenderat animum, quem tamen, quia sagittīs undique mūnītus erat, invādere nōn audēbat. Excogitātā autem eum perdendī astūtiā, illī suādēre coepit, nē paucō tempore tantum tēlōrum onus tergore portāret, quandoquidem nē aliī quidem sagittariī, nisi cum proeliī tempus īnstāret, portārent. Cui histrix: Adversus lupum, inquit, semper proeliandī tempus esse crēdendum est.
TODAY'S MOTTOES & PROVERBS: You can get access to ALL the "proverb of the day scripts" (also available as random proverb scripts) at the website.

3-Word Mottoes: Today's 3-word motto is Ad ardua tendo (English: I seek out challenges).

3-Word Proverbs: Today's 3-word proverb is Delectant alia alios (English: Some things delight some people, and others delight others).

Rhyming Proverbs: Today's proverb with rhyme is: Falsus in ore caret honore (English: He who speaks falsely wins no public esteem).

Vulgate Verse: Today's verse is In die bona fruere bonis, et malam diem praecave (Ecc. 7:14). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.

Elizabethan Proverb Commentary: Here is today's proverb commentary, this time by Taverner: Ex uno omnia specta: By one consider all, that is to say, of the profe of one thinge, coniecture the reste. Of a pece of mennes procedinges, gesse the residue.

Today's Poem: Today's poem is another one of the delightful epigrams by Owen (3.114) with a word list at
Saepe rogas, 'Quot habes annos?' respondeo: 'Nullos.'
Quomodo? quos habui, Pontice, non habeo.
English: "You often ask, How many years do you have? (How old are you?) I reply: None (I am zero years old). How can that be? The years which I had, Ponticus, I no longer have." It's a bit hard to render this delightful little epigram into English, since it is based on the Latin idiom of asking "to have some number of years" as a way to express age.

For today's image, here is an illustration for the story of the the kite, the hawk and the doves, Milvus, Accipiter et Columbae :

Aesop's Fables in Latin now available at