HODIE: ante diem octavum Idus Apriles. You can add a Roman calendar as a widget in your blog or webpage, or display it as a Google Calendar: here's how.
Heri Hodie Cras Podcast: Today's audio podcast is Fabula: De Leone, Asino et Gallo, the story of a donkey who fooled himself into attacking a lion.
You can get access to all the proverb of the day scripts (also available as random proverb scripts) at the SchoolhouseWidgets.com website.
Proverbiis Pipilo: You can see my Twitter feed of Latin proverbs which I "tweet" while I am online each day (in English, too). Here's a nice karma proverb: Si quemquam verbo laedis, laederis et ipse (English: If you wound someone with a word, you yourself are wounded too).
Audio Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's audio Latin proverb is Salomone sapientior (English: Wiser than Solomon, a king whose wisdom is proverbial in Judaism, Christianity and Islam). To read a brief essay about this proverb and to listen to the audio, visit the Latin Via Proverbs blog.
Proverbium Perbreve of the Day: Today's two-word proverb is Anus saltat (English: The old woman is dancing - the idea being that someone is doing something unacceptable and out of character... compare the old woman in Phaedrus's fable who catches a whiff of younger days from a wine bottle).
Proverbium Breve of the Day: Today's three-word proverb is Verba factis probentur (English: Let words be proved by deeds - because, as we all know, talk is cheap!).
Vulgate Verse of the Day: Today's verse is Beati qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur (Matt. 5:6). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.
Latin Animal Proverb of the Day: Today's animal proverb is Cutem gerit saepius laceratam canis mordax (English: A dog who bites quite often wears a scarred skin).
Proper Name Proverb of the Day: Today's proper name proverb is Nilum habetis et vinum quaeritis? (English: You've got the Nile and you're looking for wine? ... that's from the account of Pescennius Niger in the Historia Augusta).
Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is : Ἐκ τῶν ὀνύχων τὸν λέοντα (English: From the claws you know the lion - a very elegant saying in Greek, which can manage to say this without a verb just by putting the lion into the accusative case). If you look at the Greek Proverb of the Day widget, you'll see it comes with a Latin translation, too.
Aesopus Ning: Fables with Macrons: By popular request, I'm marking up the fables from Barlow's Aesop with macrons. So, today's fable with macrons is Fābula 2: Dē Cane et Bove, the story of the dog in the manger.
Latin Via Fables: Simplified Fables: I'm now presenting the "Barlow Aesop" collection, fable by fable, in a SIMPLIFIED version (same story, but in simpler sentences) - with a SLIDESHOW presentation to go along with it, too. Today's Simplified fable is De Ranis et Earum Rege, the story of the frogs who thought they wanted a king.
Fable of the Day: Today's fable of the day from Barlow's Aesop is DE CANE ET UMBRA (the story of the dog fooled by his reflection in the water). You can use the Javascript to include the fable of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - meanwhile, to find out more about today's fable, visit the Ning Resource Page for this fable, where you will find links to the text, commentary, and a discussion board for questions and comments.

Aesop's Fables in Latin now available at Amazon.com.