In addition to the Latin proverb of the day, I've added a new essay to the blog about the saying Maluisses cloacas Augeae purgare (In English: You would have preferred to clean the sewers of Augeas). Listen to the audio, and learn about Hercules's ingenious solution to the ignoble labor of cleaning out Augeas's stables.
Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ἐχθρῶν ἄδωρα δῶρα (English: The gifts of enemies are non-gifts). You can use the Javascript to include the Greek proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - and each Greek proverb also comes with a Latin version.
Latin Via Fables: I'm presenting the "Barlow Aesop" collection, fable by fable, with my commentary on each. Today's fable is De Accipitre et Luscinia, the story of the hawk who captured a nightingale - as you can imagine, things do not go well for the poor nightingale! Here is Barlow's illustration:

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