Here is a round-up of today's proverbs and fables - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email.
HODIE: ante diem tertium Kalendas Iunias.
MYTHS and LEGENDS: The art image for today's legend shows Clytie; you can also see the legends for the current week listed together here.
TINY MOTTOES: Today's tiny motto is: Vincit vigilantia (English: Watchfulness is victorious).
3-WORD PROVERBS: Today's 3-word verb-less proverb is Bene qui pacifice (English: The man who lives peacefully lives well)
AUDIO PROVERBS: Today's audio Latin proverb is Quam cito transit gloria mundi (English: How quickly the glory of the world passes by). To read a brief essay about this proverb and to listen to the audio, visit the Latin Via Proverbs blog.
PUBLILIUS SYRUS: Today's proverb from Publilius Syrus is: Is minimo eget mortalis, qui minimum cupit (English: He who wants least needs least).
ERASMUS' ANIMALS: Today's animal proverb from Erasmus is Lupus circum puteum chorum agit (English: The wolf is dancing around the rim of the well; from Adagia 2.2.76 - although the wolf cannot reach the water in the well, he will not leave and runs in circles around it).
ANECDOTE OF THE DAY: Today's anecdote is Puer Otiosus, a story about a boy who learned a lesson from the animal kingdom.
FABULAE FACILES WIDGET: The fable from the Fabulae Faciles widget is Asinus Res Sacras Portans, the story of a self-important donkey (this fable has a vocabulary list).
MILLE FABULAE: The "chunk" of Mille Fabulae et Una today is Fable 901, Aegrotus a Medico Interrogatus, through Fable 910, Fur et Puer, including Fur et Caupo, a fable that invokes the ancient legend of the werewolf.
AESOP IN ENGLISH VERSE: Today's fable from the English verse widget is The Two Bags, a story about the bag where we carry our vices and the bag where we carry the vices of other people.
MILLE FABULAE WIDGET: The fable from the Mille Fabulae et Una widget is Milvus Aegrotans, a story about a bird's deathbed repentance: Aegrotavit aliquando milvus periculose, remedia nil effecerant; accersiti frustra medici monent disponat rebus suis. Is tandem moriturus matrem vocat, rogat, quando in medicis humanis spes nulla salutis esset, eat precatum Deos pro sua valetudine. Respondet illa incunctanter, “Nil tibi, fili, ex illa parte sperandum puta; nec quicquam tuo nomine, aut causa, Diis supplicandum, quorum sacra et aras tuis toties rapinis violasti.”