On a side note, I've revamped my Latin Proverb of the Day widget - it is new and improved, because I've now written over 300 little proverb essays! That means the "random" Latin proverb option is much more random, with about twice as many proverbs in the randomizer. You can add the Latin Proverb of the Day, or a Random Latin Proverb, to your website, blog, etc., using the javascript provided here at SchoolhouseWidgets.com (and you can also see the script in action there). Have fun!
AudioLatinProverbs.com: Today's proverb is Endymionis somnum dormit In English: He's sleeping the sleep of Endymion. Listen to the audio, and read a lovely passage from Thoreau in which he refers to the myth of Endymion.
AudioLatin.com: Verses: Here is some more audio for the Vulgate Verses book also - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English notes and commentary on these verses also. Today's group includes this holiday season refrain: Gloria in excelsis.
Latin Holiday Songs. For the holiday season, instead of a Latin Fable of the Day, I'll be posting a "holiday song of the day" at the eClassics ning. Today's holiday song is Silens Nox, not just one but five different translations of "Silent Night" into Latin.
As an illustration, here is a stained glass window showing the nativity at the Grace Episcopal Church in Westwood NJ.