Monday, September 10, 2007

Round-Up: September 10

Here is a round-up of today's Bestiaria Latina blog posts - along with SOMETHING NEW.

I've recently met a wonderful high school student, the son of some friends, who wants to learn Latin. So, this weekend we started our new weekly Latin adventure. Of course I've created a blog to go along with that, so if you are interested in seeing the handouts and other materials we are using, check out the Latina Carolina blog (so named in honor of the back porch of our home in North Carolina where this event is taking place). The blog is a way for me to be able to interact with the student online during the week while he is studying on his own before our next sessions - but I also hope it will be a good way for us to share our experience with Latin teachers and students at large.

So there will now be a new entry to the list of blogs appearing in the Bestiaria "round-up" each day: the Latina Carolina blog.

Latina Carolina: In the first posts at the blog, you can access via Google Documents our first week's handouts - Latin Alphabet and Syllables, the first group of Latin Proverbs with vocabulary, plus the first group of Vulgate Verses with vocabulary, along with homework assignments. Other posts provide a link to some great Wheelock audio for Latin alphabet and syllables, plus a link to a set of QUIA flashcards for the first set of Latin proverbs. Today's proverb is Anulus aureus in naribus suis. In English: A gold ring in a pig's nose. Listen to the audio, and read about this Latin equivalent to our English saying, "putting lipstick on a pig." Here is the audio for 10 more Latin proverbs - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English translations and commentary on the proverbs, too. Today's group includes Sero sapiunt Phryges, a great little saying about the Trojans who realized their mistake with the Trojan Horse too late to save themselves. I'm continuing to work my way through the 15th-century Latin fables of Abstemius! With each fable I'm posting the Latin text, a segmented Latin text, along with an English translation by me, plus the rollicking 17th-century translation by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Today's fable is De Lepore sese Vulpi praeferente ob pedum velocitatem: The Rabbit boasting about his swift-footedness to the Fox. This is the kind of Aesop's fable which is more like a proverb than a fable - to go along with the dialogue here, we need a little plot showing the rabbit being captured by dogs while the fox escapes by some sly trick! This Latin crossword puzzle goes with the story of the rabbit and the fox (see above). Below is a smaller image of the crossword; visit for a larger version you can print along with a word list, clues, and the solution, too.

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