Today's proverb is Parietes habent aures. In English: The walls have ears. Listen to the audio, and read a passage from Ammianus Marcellinus about the spy network of ancient Antioch. Here is the audio for 10 more Latin proverbs - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English translations and commentary on the proverbs, too. Today's group includes Fugis patellam et cadis in prunas, the Latin equivalent of "out of the frying pan, into the fire." I'm continuing to work my way through the 15th-century Latin fables of Abstemius! With each fable I'm posting the Latin text, a segmented Latin text, along with an English translation by me, plus the rollicking 17th-century translation by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Today's fable is De Upupa indigne honorata: The Hoopoe, wrongly given honors. This fable depends upon the dual identity of the hoopoe: on the one hand, it is a beautiful bird with a remarkable crest of feathers but, on the other hand, it builds its nest out of manure and smells really bad - hence its name, Stinkvogel, "Stink-Bird," in German. This Latin crossword puzzle goes with the story of the hoopoe at the eagle's wedding (see above). Below is a smaller image of the crossword; visit for a larger version you can print along with a word list, clues, and the solution, too.
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