Today's proverb is Rarus fidus amicus. In English: A faithful friend is rare. Listen to the audio, and read an Aesop's fable about the two friends who met a bear, thus prompting a crisis in their faithful friendship! Here is the audio for 10 more Latin proverbs - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English translations and commentary on the proverbs, too. Today's group includes a great saying in praise of music's soothing powers: Curas cithara tollit. I'm continuing to work my way through the 15th-century Latin fables of Abstemius! With each fable I'm posting the Latin text, a segmented Latin text, along with an English translation by me, plus the rollicking 17th-century translation by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Today's fable is De Trabe boum pigritiam increpante: The Beam denouncing the laziness of the oxen. This is a nice twist on a familiar theme from Aesop: creatures, including inanimate creatures, who are clueless about the fate that awaits them! This Latin crossword puzzle goes with the story of the beam and the oxen (see above). Below is a smaller image of the crossword; visit for a larger version you can print along with a word list, clues, and the solution, too.
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