I have something different for the blog today! A very nice librarian at the New York Public Library send me a note about things Aesopic, and he introduced me to the "
cigarette card" collections that they have put online with illustrations from Aesop's fables: a picture on one side, and the story on the other side. So, I've picked one card out from each of the collections below, along with links to the NYPL site so you can browse them for yourselves. There are some proverbs and cats below too as usual. :-)
Canis in Praesepi
Asinus Rubos Comedens
Pavo et Iuno
Fulicam cygno comparas.
You're comparing a coot to a swan.
Cave canem.
Beware of dog.
Diem nox premit, dies noctem.
Night presses upon day, day night.
Eamus quo ducit fortuna.
Let's go where luck leads us.