Monday, November 16, 2015

Special Edition: Equus Eduardus

I'm posting this song on behalf of Kate Gladstone, who sent it to me in the email. I know some of you out there are keen translators of modern English into Latin, so if you have suggestions or ideas, get in touch with Kate via email: She has some other songs to share too! Meanwhile, you can sing along and see what you think of her translation of Mr. Ed:


Equus equus est, utique,
Nemo loquitur equo, utique
Hoc est, nisi equus est
Admirabile Eduardus.
Interroga directe,
Respondebit proprie,
Semper procedit stabiliter —
Loquer' ad Eduardum.

Fabulatur populus, tempus semper perdens,
Non loquitur Eduardus, nisi hoc quod vult dicere —

Equus equus est, utique,
Hic donec raucescat loquitur,
Loquent' equum numquam sensisti?
Age, audite verba haec:
"Eduardus sum!"

Here are the English lyrics at and her is the song at YouTube: