Monday, December 29, 2014

Special Edition: Bestiaria Latina Pinterest Board

If any of you follow my teaching, you'll know that Pinterest has become an important tool that I use for my online classes (read more here: Pinterest - Curiosity, Collecting, Connecting). As I was pondering the different uses of Pinterest, I realized it might be nice to keep a Bestiaria Latina Board to accompany this blog, and each time I do a new blog post, I'll pin it to the Board, selecting one of the day's images. I did that for the past 50 posts, and it is looking pretty good:

So, for those of you who are Pinterest users, you might enjoy following the blog this way. For me, it's going to be a fun way to discover other people's Boards, based on images that I pin here which others have also pinned. And if you are not a Pinterest user, I highly recommend it: a very fun and useful tool, truly dulce et utile.