Friday, August 9, 2013

Latin Proverbs and Fables Round-Up: August 9

Here is a round-up of today's proverbs and fables - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email.

HODIE (Roman Calendar): ante diem quintum Idus Augustas.

MYTHS and LEGENDS: The art image for today's legend shows Deucalion and Pyrrha; you can also see the legends for the current week listed together here.


TINY MOTTOES: Today's tiny motto is: Spe expecto (English: In hope I wait).

3-WORD PROVERBS: Today's 3-word verb-less proverb is Mente nihil celerius (English: Noting is more quick than thought)

AUDIO PROVERBS: Today's audio Latin proverb is Fortuna imperatrix mundi (English: Fortune is the empress of the world). To read a brief essay about this proverb and to listen to the audio, visit the Latin Via Proverbs blog.

PUBLILIUS SYRUS: Today's proverb from Publilius Syrus is: Fortuna vitrea est: tum, cum splendet, frangitur (English: Fortune is like glass: when it glitters, it shatters).

ERASMUS' ANIMALS: Today's animal proverb from Erasmus is Rana gyrina sapientior (English: The frog is wiser than the tadpole; from Adagia 2.1.34).

BREVISSIMA: The distich poster for today is Deum Dilige Corde Toto. Click here for a full-sized view; the poem has a vocabulary list and an English translation, too.

And here are today's proverbial LOLcats:


FABULAE FACILES: The fable from the Fabulae Faciles widget is Ceres et Rusticus, a wonderful story about the balance of nature (this fable has a vocabulary list).

MILLE FABULAE: The fable from the Mille Fabulae et Una widget is Mors et Senex, a story in the "memento mori" genre.

Mors et Moriens

Greek Bible Art - and Latin and English, too. Below is one of my Greek Bible Art graphics; for the individual Greek, Latin and English versions of the graphic, see the blog post: ἔκραξεν λέγων, κύριε, σῶσόν με. Clamavit dicens: Domine, salvum me fac. He cried, saying, Lord, save me.

Myth and Folklore Books. I'm accumulating some book recommendations for the classes I teach and wanted to share them here. Today's book is Ovid's Metamorphoses translated into English verse by J.J. Howard.; you can see the table of contents here. This is a free Amazon Kindle eBook, and you don't need a Kindle to read it - you can read Kindle books on any computer or mobile device, or you can use the Amazon Cloud Reader in your browser.