HODIE: ante diem sextum decimum Kalendas Apriles.
GOOGLE BOOKS: Today's Google Books are Georges' Gnomologia and Symbola quaedam moralia.
MYTHS & LEGENDS: The art image for today's legend shows Cadmus and the Dragon ; you can also see the legends for the current week listed together here.

TODAY'S DISTICHS & EMBLEMS: All the distichs come with vocabulary lists! I've also got a new Distich Slideshow: Sapiens Dominabitur Astris.
RHYMING DISTICHS: The two new Rhyming Distichs are Mortis calcat iter, Mortis calcat iter terrae cognatio tota; / Ipsa tamen calcata magis, minus est via nota; and Si quis amat Christum, Si quis amat Christum, mundum non diligit istum; / aestimat obscaenum, quod mundus credit amoenum.
CATO'S DISTICHS: The two new Cato Distichs are Cum tibi divitiae, Cum tibi divitiae superant in fine senectae, / Munificus facito vivas, non parcus, amicis; and Alterius dictum, Alterius dictum aut factum ne carpseris umquam, / Exemplo simili ne te derideat alter.
MARTIAL'S DISTICHS: The two new Martial Distichs are Nos bibimus vitro, Nos bibimus vitro, tu murra, Pontice. Quare? / Prodat perspicuus ne duo vina calix; and Non satis est ars, Non satis est ars sola coco: servire palatum / Nolo: cocus domini debet habere gulam.
OWEN'S DISTICHS: The two new Owen epigrams, with Harvey's English versions, are Homo Histrio, Spes argumentum vitae (nam fabula vita est), / Mundus scena, fides prologus, actus amor; and Sapientia Socratica, Omnia me, dum iunior essem, scire putabam; / Quo scio plus, hoc me nunc scio scire minus.
CAMERARIUS's EMBLEMS: The two new emblems are Sibimet Pulcherrima Merces, Pulchra suis veluti est volucris Iunonia pennis: / Sic virtus proprio lumine clara nitet; and Maior Post Otia Virtus, Ceu lustris latitant ursi et sua membra relinquunt: / Sic meditatur opus doctus in arte novum.
ROLLENHAGEN'S EMBLEMS: The two new emblems are Omnia Mea Mecum Porto, Porto domumque meam mecum meaque omnia; multis / Regibus hoc ipso ditior et potior; and Tamen Discam, Et licet in tumbam pes decidat alter et alter / Vivat adhuc; studiis invigilabo tamen. This is a great emblem for lifelong learning - the guy literally does have one foot in the grave already, but he keeps on learning!

3-WORD MOTTOES: Today's 3-word motto is Domat omnia virtus (English: Excellence masters all things).
3-WORD PROVERBS: Today's 3-word proverb is Insperata saepe contingunt (English: Unhoped-for things often happen).
RHYMING PROVERBS: Today's proverb with rhyme is: Ut sis nocte levis, sit tibi cena brevis (English: In order to rest comfortably at night, let your dinner be light).
VULGATE VERSES: Today's verse is Omnes homines terra et cinis (Sirach 17:32). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.
ELIZABETHAN PROVERBS: Here is today's proverb commentary, this time by Taverner: Nihil graculo cum fidibus: The Jay is unmete for a fiddell as who should say, what make fooles and unlearned persones with good letters. For the jaye is a brid of a foolish and yrksum chateringe, and also loveth assembles of suche as be of the like kinde, by reason wherof through mutual chatteringe the noyse is the more odious and grevouse. On the other side the fiddell, harpe, or any other musicall instrumente requireth silence and attent audience.
ANECDOTE OF THE DAY: Today's anecdote is Tarpeia, the story of one of the most famous traitors in Roman history.
FABULAE FACILES WIDGET: The fable from the Fabulae Faciles widget is Oves Timidae et Pastor, the story of a shepherd who wanted to boost his sheep's self-esteem (this fable has a vocabulary list).
MILLE FABULAE WIDGET: The fable from the Mille Fabulae et Una widget is Fortuna et Puer, a story about an indignant Lady Luck.
AESOP IN ENGLISH VERSE: Today's fable from the English verse widget is The Farmer's Treasure, a story of a father and how he got his sons to go work up a sweat.
MILLE FABULAE: The "chunk" of Mille Fabulae et Una today is Fable 591, Ostreum et Aquae Gutta, through Fable 600, Rana et Leo, including Rana et Bos, the story of the boastful frog: Rana, cupida aequandi bovem, se distendebat. Filius hortabatur matrem coepto desistere, dicens nihil enim esse ranam ad bovem. Illa autem, posthabito consilio, secundum intumuit. Clamitat natus, “Crepes licet, mater, bovem numquam vinces.” Tertium autem cum intumuisset, crepuit.