Saturday, December 10, 2011

New Widget: Greco-Roman Myths and Legends

I took a couple of days off here at the Bestiaria for two reasons: to finish up my Fall semester classes (yeah!!!), and also to create a new widget I have been wanting to make for a while - a widget with a Greek or Roman myth or legend for every day, illustrated with artwork from Wikipedia, Web Gallery of Art and also from the ArtMagick site (a great source for pre-Raphaelite art). It took a while - partly through my own fault because I found 600 works of art I wanted to use, ha ha, and then had to winnow it down to 366.

Anyway, I've now got the widget ready to go, and it's ready to share, too. You can add the widget anywhere that javascript is accepted - your own webpage, a PBWorks or Wikispaces wiki, a blog, etc. There's a random version (see below; a new myth or legend each time you reload the page), either 400 or 200 pixels wide, and there is also a date-based version. For more information and links to the actual javascript code, see the Myths & Legends Reference Page. If you are reading this via RSS or in an email, you will need to actually visit the blog post to see the script in action.

So, I hope you all will enjoy this - I will be including information about the myth or legend of the day in the Bestiaria round-ups. Meanwhile, the round-ups will be back in action again on Monday! :-)