Here is a round-up of today's blog posts - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. I'm using Google+ a lot these days - are there any of you I should look for there?
HODIE: ante diem sextum Idus Octobres.
SCALA SAPIENTIAE: Today you can find sayings that go up to Diederich frequency ranking 131 - so the proverbs contain nothing but words found among the 131 most commonly used words in Latin. Here is one of the items in today's list: Sumus quod semper facimus, "We are what we always do."
ANECDOTE OF THE DAY: Today's anecdote is Numa Pompilius, the story of the king who succeeded Romulus, King Numa.
VERBUM WIDGET: The word from the daily widget is VIA - which also has a brief essay at the Verbosum blog. Here's one of the sayings you can find in that essay: Elige viam optimam, "Choose the best way."
FABULAE FACILES: The NEW easy-to-read fable is Lupus et Persona Tragoedi, a story about beauty, not brains.
FABULAE FACILES WIDGET: The fable from the Fabulae Faciles widget is Vulpes in Puteum Delapsa et Lupus, a funny story about a fox in need of immediate help.
MILLE FABULAE: ILLUSTRATIONS: The NEW fables with images are Morus et Latro, the story of a murdering criminal and an indignant mulberry tree, and Iuppiter et Canes, a hilarious story about why dogs sniff each other's butts.
MILLE FABULAE: ILLUSTRATIONS: The fable from the Mille Fabulae et Una widget is Canis et Umbra, the famous story of the dog crossing the river.
GOOGLE BOOKS: Today's Google Books are Cheviot's Proverbs of Scotland and Houghton's Moral Significance of Animals in Greek Proverbs.
TODAY'S MOTTOES & PROVERBS: Widgets available at Schoolhouse Widgets.
3-Word Mottoes: Today's 3-word motto is Dum spiramus, speramus (English: So long as we have breath, we have hope).
3-Word Proverbs: Today's 3-word proverb is Numquam satis discitur (English: You can never get enough learning).
Rhyming Proverbs: Today's proverb with rhyme is: Qui pedit dum vult, pedet dum pedere non vult (English: Someone who farts when he wants to, will fart when he doesn't want to).
Vulgate Verse: Today's verse is Mutare potest pardus varietates suas? (Jer. 13:23). For a translation, check out the polyglot Bible, in English, Hebrew, Latin and Greek, at the Sacred Texts Archive online.
Elizabethan Proverb Commentary: Here is today's proverb commentary, this time by Taverner: Aegroto dum anima est, spes est: The sicke person while he hath life, hath hope. So swete a thinge is life, that he that is brought never so lowe, yet hopeth to live.
For an image today, here is that story of the wolf and the mask: 106. Lupus et Persona Tragoedi. Personam tragoedi lupus in agro invenit, quam semel et iterum vertit. “O quanta species,” ait, “et cerebrum non habet neque sensum!” Haec fabula de illis dicitur qui gloriam et honorem habent, prudentiam vero nullam. (source - easy version)