Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Hiatus: December 23-29

Iucundissimum festum Nativitatis exopto, plenum laetitae atque felicitatis vobis et vestris.

Happy holidays, everybody! I'll be taking a few days off at the blog here, so I thought I would preview here the "holiday songs of the day" for while I'll be away from the blog.

December 23. The Latin holiday songs for today are: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel!, along with Flos de radice Jesse and also O Stella de Bethlehem, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "O gwiazdo Betlejemska."

December 24. The Latin holiday songs for today are: En, Nocte Venit Media, a Latin version of "It Came upon a Midnight Clear," along with Misellum, silens, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "Mizerna cicha."

December 25. The Latin holiday songs for today are: Procul in Praesaepi, a Latin version of "Away in a Manger," along with Triumphi Regis, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "Triumfy Króla niebieskiego."

December 26. The Latin holiday songs for today are: Rex Wenceslaus, a Latin version of "King Wenceslas," along with Veni Redemptor Gentium and also Ad stabulum, pastores, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "Do szopy, hej pasterze."

December 27. The Latin holiday songs for today are: Duodecim Dies Natalis, a Latin version of "The Twelve Days of Christmas," along with In noctis umbra desides and also Caelo ex excelso, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "Z nieba wysokiego."

December 28. The Latin holiday songs for today are: Somnio Candidum Diem, a Latin version of "White Christmas," along with Dormi Jesu and also Prope accedamus, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "Przystąpmy do szopy."

December 29. The Latin holiday songs for today are: Tinnitus, Tinnitus, a Latin version of "Jingle Bells," along with Christe, Redemptor Omnium and also O praesepe vile, a Latin version of the Polish carol, "Ach, ubogi żłobie."