Bestiaria Latina Podcasts: Today's audio podcast is Barlow: De Partu Montium, the story of the mountains that gave birth to a mouse.
Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ubi dolor, ibi digitus (English: Where there's pain, there's the finger - something like the English saying, "One must needs scratch where it itches"). You can use the Javascript to include the Latin proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog. Meanwhile, to read a brief essay about this proverb, visit the website.
Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Ἄρκτου παρούσης ἴχνη ζητεῖς (English: The bear is right there, and you are looking for footprints - something like not being able to see for the forest for the trees... but with an added element of danger!). You can use the Javascript to include the Greek proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - and each Greek proverb also comes with a Latin version.
Fable of the Day: Today's fable of the day from Barlow's Aesop is DE AUCUPE ET PALUMBE (the story of a birdcatcher who turned out to be the hunted instead of the hunter!). You can use the Javascript to include the fable of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - meanwhile, to find out more about today's fable, visit the Ning Resource Page, where you will find links to the text, commentary, as well as a discussion board for questions and comments.
Latin Via Fables: Grammar Commentary: I'm presenting the "Barlow Aesop" collection, fable by fable, with my commentary on each (a more expanded commentary than is possible within the confines of the book). Today's grammar commentary is Fable 47: Vulpes, Canis et Gallus, the story of how the rooster and the dog managed to outfox the fox!
Latin Christmas Carols: Today's Christmas song in Latin is Christe, Redemptor Omnium (ancient Latin hymn dating back to the 6th century, whose words are sometimes attributed to Saint Ambrose). You can use the Javascript to include the Christmas carol of the day automatically each day on your webpage or blog - meanwhile, to find out more about today's song, visit the Gaudium Mundo Christmas Carol website, where you will find the lyrics to the song in Latin, along with links to additional online information about the song:

The Aesopus Ning is now open for business - so for more fables and to share your questions and comments with others, come visit the Ning!