Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Round-Up: June 10

Here is a round-up of today's blog posts - and for previous posts, check out the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives. You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you might prefer to subscribe by email.

Latin Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is In pratis ut flos, sic perit omnis honos (English: As a flower in the fields, thus public esteem passes away.). You can use the Javascript to include the Latin proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage, blog, or wiki. Meanwhile, to read a brief essay about this proverb, visit the AudioLatinProverbs.com website.

Greek Proverb of the Day: Today's proverb is Καθ' ὕδατος γράφεις. (English: You're writing in water - in other words, what you write expresses no lasting meaning... it's like a proverb for bloggers!). You can use the Javascript to include the Greek proverb of the day automatically each day on your webpage, blog, or wiki - and each Greek proverb also comes with a Latin version.

LatinViaProverbs.com: I'm working away on the online guide to Latin Via Proverbs, with grammar notes and English translations, working through the book group by group. Today's group includes the famous cat of Lady Macbeth: Cattus comedit pisces sed non vult humectare pedes.

How-To Technology Tips. For those of you interested in great free tools for publishing online, I've created a blog where I'm posting tips on the tools that I use. Today's post is about Google's webpage creator, Google Pages - a fantastic way to start publishing webpages, including webpages with dynamic widgets.

Grammatice. As one of my new summer projects, I'm publishing some notes here about grammar and linguistics that I hope will be useful for Latin students and teachers. Today's post is about Latin vowels and diphthongs - where you can find out, among other things, how we ended up pronouncing the word "Caesar" when the Romans said "Kaiser" instead.

Audio Pocasts. As a summer project, I'm going to start doing some podcasts, based on the contents of the BestLatin blogs. Today's podcast is from the Latin Via Fables blog (see below). You can subscribe to the podcasts now if you want, and I'll have more information about this as I get some more practice with the podcasting software!

Latin Via Fables: I've added a Perry fable type, with a Latin version by de Furia plus an illustration, to the blog today. This time it is Perry 140, the story of the lion in love, one of my very favorite Aesop's fables. Here is the illustration:

Some dynamic content may not display if you are reading this blog via RSS or through an email subscription. You can always visit the Bestiaria Latina blog to see the full content, and to find out how to subscribe to the latest posts.