Today's proverb is Ne capra contra leonem. In English: A goat should not (confront) a lion. Listen to the audio, and read a story about a goat who thought he was ready to face any carnivorous creature, no matter how large!
Audio Pocasts. As a summer project, I'm going to start doing some podcasts, based on the contents of the BestLatin blogs. Today's podcast is from the blog (you can subscribe to the podcasts now if you want, and I'll have more information about this as I get some more practice with the podcasting software).
Latin Via Fables: I've added a Perry fable type, with a Latin version by Steinhowel plus an illustration, to the blog today. This time it is Perry 70, the story of the oak tree who stood up to the wind and the reed who was more pliable. Here is the illustration:

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