Today's proverb is Asinus in tegulis. In English: A donkey on the roof-tiles. Listen to the audio, and read an Islamic Sufi legend about the holy man Ebrahim ibn Adham and the camel on his roof!
Greek Via Fables: Here's the latest from the Greek fables of Syntipas. Today's fable is Ἀνὴρ ἔχιν ἀνελόμενος, The Man Picking Up The Viper, a great fable about how no good deed goes unpunished. For your numerical amusement - Roman Sudoku. Yes, it's Sudoku played with Roman numerals: enjoy! You can visit the blog for a large version of today's puzzle, easier to print out and play.
Latin Via Fables: I've added a Perry fable type, with a Latin version by the Renaissance poet Hieronymus Osius, plus an illustration, to the blog today. This time it is Perry 17, the story of the fox without a tail. Here is the illustration:

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