I'm working away on the online guide to Latin Via Proverbs, with grammar notes and English translations, working through the book group by group. Today I've posted notes for Group 171, a group of proverbs which includes "comparing apples and oranges" (or, rather, a gnat and an elephant): Culicem elephanti confert.
Greek Via Fables: Here's the latest from the Greek fables of Syntipas. Today's fable is Ἀετὸς καὶ ἀλώπηξ, The Eagle and the Fox, in an ingenious version where the eagle brings about her own doom by raiding the gods' own sacrificial altar.
Latin Via Fables: I've added a Perry fable type, with a Latin version by XXX plus an illustration, to the blog today. This time it is Perry 15, the story of the fox and the grapes, which is also the fable which gives us the origin of the still popular saying, "Sour grapes!" Here is the illustration:

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