Friday, February 8, 2008

Round-Up: February 8

Have a good weekend, everybody! Here is a round-up of Friday's blog posts (you can browse through previous round-ups at the Bestiaria Latina Blog archives). You can keep up with the latest posts by using the RSS feed, or you can subscribe by email.

The big news is that I have finished with the complete Hecatomythium of Abstemius! Here are the last two fables: Yes, I've FINISHED the 15th-century Latin fables of Abstemius! With each fable I've posting the Latin text, a segmented Latin text, along with an English translation by me, plus the rollicking 17th-century translation by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Here are the final two fables! First is De sene mortem differre volente: : About the old man wanted to postpone death. This has to be one of my favorite fables in Abstemius - the words of Death are very wise indeed! And last but not least it this fable: De viro avaro sacculum nummorum alloquente: About the miser speaking to his sack of money. Another very nice fable: the miser's ill-gotten wealth will bring pleasure to his wastrel heirs, and to the demons who end up in possession of his soul for all eternity!

So, that is Abstemius! To invoke another Aesop's fable: slow and steady wins the race! I've now got a complete collection of digital Abstemius. You can find it all at the Abstemius wiki, which I will be sprucing up now that the collection is complete.

For an image today, I'll let the Greek Divinity of the Week widget supply us a portrait of this week's god or goddess!

(If you are reading this via email, you will need to visit the blog to see the image in action.)