In addition to the blog postings below, I also commented on the Harry Mount editorial about Latin in the New York Times today. The online discussion there is quite lively! Drawing on material from the Vulgate Verses book, I'll be posting brief essays on some verses with a special relevance to religious literacy (the topic of the blog). The verse I have commented on today is Luke 10:41: Martha Martha sollicita es et turbaris erga plurima. I'm started back to work on the online guide to the Latin Via Proverbs book, with grammar notes and English translations, working through the book group by group. Today I've posted notes for Group 151, a group of proverbs featuring fifth declension nouns and third conjugation verbs. This group includes that great saying, Spes alit et fallit. Here is the audio for 10 more Latin proverbs - just the audio, but there is a link to a page where you can get English translations and commentary on the proverbs, too. Today's group includes the rhyming proverb: Ad primos ictus non corruit ardua quercus. I've also posted a statement about Why I Read Latin Out Loud. :-)
Latin Holiday Songs. For the holiday season, instead of a Latin Fable of the Day, I'll be posting a "holiday song of the day" at the eClassics ning. Today's holiday song is Aquifolia Ornate, a Latin translation (in fact, two Latin translations!) of the holiday favorite, "Deck the Halls."
Meanwhile, here is some pretty winter holly to get you in the holiday spirit!

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